Author: Madison Medical Associates

How A Pain Diary Can Help You Relieve Pain

If you are a fastidious keeper of lists: to-do lists, grocery lists, birthday lists, and even a gardening journal, your constant pain could finally be a thing of the past. Keeping a pain diary is really no different than your list of lists. How a pain diary can help you relieve pain.

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How Cold Weather Affects Arthritis And Joint Pain

Did you have an aunt while growing up who could always predict a storm was brewing because her shoulder pain got worse? To our amazement she was usually right. The pain wasn’t in her imagination because there are definitely some changes that happen to our joints when temperatures drop. Let’s discover how cold weather affects arthritis and joint pain.

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What Is The Difference Between Acute & Chronic Pain?

Most of us suffer with some type of pain as we go through life. Sometimes it comes and goes, other times it hits us between the teeth, and sometimes it stays with us much longer than we want. Knowing what kind of pain you have can help you manage it. What is the difference between acute & chronic pain? Continue reading “What Is The Difference Between Acute & Chronic Pain?”

Signs Your Job Could Be Causing Your Chronic Pain

So you come home almost every night with back pain, neck pain, numbness in your wrist and hands, or a headache. Sound familiar? If so, these might be signs your job could be causing your chronic pain. Unless you are ready to quit your job or retire, let’s recognize the causes, and learn ways to reduce or eliminate that chronic pain.

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What Is Causing My Neck Pain?

Many of us have awakened in the morning with neck pain, and we immediately know we somehow slept wrong. We move around and within a short amount of time, the pain is miraculously gone. But what happens if that neck pain doesn’t go away, if it’s chronic, or no amount of over-the-counter medications are helping? You start asking: what is causing my neck pain?

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What To Do When Your Doctor Won’t Take Your Chronic Pain Seriously

Like any human, physicians have good days and bad days. They may have personal problems they are dealing with. They are trying to see every patient on their schedule every day without falling behind. With all that said, what should you do if it seems like they just want to move on to the next patient, and what to do when your doctor won’t take your chronic pain seriously?

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The Benefits Of Seeing A Pain Management Specialist

That aching back or stress headache can usually be helped by OTC meds and resting. When typical methods stop working and the pains become more frequent, these annoyances reach another level, namely chronic pain. If this sounds like you, let us explain the benefits of seeing a pain management specialist.

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